Weak facial muscles may not necessitate call for a facelift. A suitable intermediate option is the addition of surgical threads, which enhance the facial muscles and subcutaneous tissues. Facelift should be considered only when excess skin appears.

Facial threads are a prudent choice

Women and men who undergo the facial thread surgery do not only fix the problems of today but plan for tomorrow. While facial fillers help to smoothen wrinkles, these cannot reverse the process of ageing; facial muscles still loosen with age and drag the skin along with it. Therefore, surgical threads are a prudent choice, especially for people who wish to support the muscles, and hence avoid drooping of the skin in the future while acquiring a younger appearance in the present.

Surgical threads are used to support several areas. These help to lift nasolabial folds, cheeks and cheekbones, raise mouth frowns, smooth the jaw line, raise the eyebrows and tighten neck muscles.

A less known but trending option is the upper lip thread, which is suitable for patients who do not wish to add bulging injectable gel to their lips. A thread is placed, instead, along the contour of the upper lip to smoothen vertical wrinkles. The results are gorgeous and no traces of the surgery can be found.

Facial threads are loved among our patients for their simplicity, as the recovery period is quick, and no large hematomas appear. This is why facial threads are also called a ’weekend facelift’ – you can return to work after a few days of recovery without any traces of surgery. We can reveal, without breaching the confidentiality of our patients, that threads are especially popular among men. Men are not keen on facelifts because of the scars that are difficult to hide under short hair, whereas the scars from facial threads are unnoticeable.

Some facts/options regarding facial threads:

  • Fast recovery – You must wear the patches for 4 days only.
  • Thread & Lift – These threads will stay permanently and can be re-tightened after 4-5 years.
  • Surgical threads should not be mistaken for mesotherapical threads. The latter only fix the skin, but leave the muscles unattended and therefore have a short term effect.

Facial threads also support the facelift

Facial threads, however, do not help in the case of excess skin. Then, a facelift is a better option, as there is no way to dispose of loose skin other than to remove it.

Did you know that facial threads are also a component of the facelift? As the threads help to fix the muscles, we add threads for extra strength here at Christinas Clinic. Two threads are placed on each side of the face, which ensure that you will likely never need a facelift again. If you ever want to repeat the surgery, though, the threads will not be an obstacle.

There is a variety of facelifts, all focusing on different parts of the face and the neck. The surgery can also be done for the whole face or be combined with other surgeries.

Especially popular is the combination of the facelift with eyelid surgeries to simultaneously correct bags under the eyes or drooping upper eyelids. In some cases, however, a facelift itself can be sufficient to fix those concurring problems. Sometimes a single brow lift can be effective enough to create a new appearance without the need of upper eyelid surgeries. Your surgeon will introduce you the possibilities during the consultation.

As with Botox, the media loves to show us the failures of facelifts. The examples of excessively tight facial skin, however, are examples of irresponsible surgeries. To reach the effect of an unnatural facelift, one needs at least several surgeries, without which these results are impossible to achieve. An ethical surgeon should follow a simple rule of thumb that one area should not have incisions more than twice in a lifetime, as several surgeries could cause unpredictable subcutaneous scar tissue overgrowth and make the face look uneven.

Some tips for patients considering a facelift:

  • Holiday / Recovery: Plan at least 2 weeks vacation from work to account for the time it takes for the wounds to heal.
  • Consider longer hairstyles: During this recovery period, many patients prefer long hair to hide the scars.
  • Weight: Consider a facelift when your weight is about average for you, or once you have reached your desired weight if you are on a plan.. More excess skin can occur if you lose weight.
  • There is no right age for a facelift. The need for the surgery depends on the consistency of the skin and the amount of excess skin.

Attention! This is a healthcare service. Christinas Clinic is licensed by the Health Board, permit L04361 (CBF Medical OÜ). The operations and procedures are performed by healthcare professionals.

Full facelift

About the operation