Mini facelift is a surgery which tightens sagging face and neck muscles and removes excess skin, but concentrates on a smaller area compared to the full facelift.

Mini facelift is recommended for patients who have:

  • sagging skin mid face
  • sagging brows and eyelids
  • deep nasolabial folds
  • sagging jowls
  • excess fat tissue under the chin and on a neck

Surgery at Christinas Clinic

There are four different areas on which mini facelift can be performed. These are brows and forehead, mid face, lower face and neck.

1) Temporal lift otherwise mini brow-lift

Temporal lift is a surgical procedure that is suitable for patients who have encountered sagging of their eyebrows in the outer corners and/or in the outer corners of the upper eyelids and therefore have wrinkles in the corners of their eyes due to the extra skin. During the surgery, a cut is made in the hair area on both sides above the temporal area and the outer corner of the eyes and eyebrows are raised, creating a fresher look. Wounds and scars remain hidden in the hair. In case of more severe sagging of the upper eyelids, we recommend performing the procedure together with the plastic of the upper eyelids. With this surgery, it is not possible to correct the sagging of the forehead nor the inner angle of the eyebrows.

2) Midface lift

Midface lift corrects the nasolabial folds.

The incision is made from the ear lobe up to the hairline from in front of the ear. All muscles underneath are opened and tightened and eventually closed with 10 cm absorbable cosmetic sutures.

For best results the surgery can be done along with lower eyelid surgery.

3) Lower face lift

Lower face lift corrects sagging jowls and facial contours.

The incision is made along the hairline down to the perimeter of the ear and back into the hair in the lower scalp. All muscles underneath are opened and tightened and eventually closed with 10 cm absorbable cosmetic sutures.

4) Neck lift

Neck lift surgery corrects the sagging neck area.

The incision is made around the ear lobe and at the back of the ear. All muscles underneath are opened and tightened and eventually closed with 10 cm long absorbable cosmetic sutures. If the neck muscles are sagging extensively, another incision is made under the chin to tighten the muscle towards another direction.

The result of the surgery depends on the quality of the canvas and the patient’s habits and lifestyle. Previous smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs affect skin elasticity. Therefore the effect of the surgery may vary from the expected. In case of healthy life choices and proper care, the results stay for 10 years.