Martin’s story: breast reduction for men
2 months ago, Martin*, a 32-year old architect, decided to take a crucial step in his life that had been on his mind for many years: he decided to go through with breast reduction surgery.
“My chest has bothered me since I was a kid. I remember wearing oversized T-shirts during my physical education classes so that my breasts that were perky, triangular, and unnaturally larger than those of other boys would not be seen. For years I’ve been living with the feeling of discomfort until I read an article from the daily newspaper about aesthetic surgery for men at Christina’s Clinic. This was the first time I realised that I did not have to settle with this feeling of discomfort and be constantly ashamed of my body. There really was a solution to the problem!
Although I felt a little embarrassed, I wanted to discuss my situation with specialists and booked an appointment for the pre-surgery consultation. When I arrived at the clinic, they checked my medical history and I was asked many interesting questions I had never given much thought to. For example, I was asked whether I had ever had hormonal therapy. Indeed! I remembered that I had had hormonal treatment many times as a child because I had severe breathing difficulties. After the consultation, I started to search for more information about this topic and I found scientific proof that hormonal treatment can cause temporal or permanent breast enlargement among men.
After the consultation, I was sent to the ultrasound check-up in order to find out how much breast tissue I had under my nipple area. It turned out that one breast had 4 – 5 cm of breast glands and the other had 2 – 3 cm. I also learned that my breasts were different sizes.
I decided to go through with the surgery. We agreed at the clinic that at first, the excess breast glands would be removed, secondly, liposuction would be done, and, if needed, the excess skin correction would be done. Luckily there was no need for the skin correction as my skin started to tighten by itself. I’m really glad about this, as today, I only have two little crescent-shaped scars and two small dots on my stomach to remind me of my surgery.
I’m really glad I chose to go through with the surgery. I no longer have my “feminine” breasts, which has increased my masculine appearance considerably. I’m not ashamed of my appearance anymore; I can wear the hip, slim-fit clothes I’ve longed for and I feel comfortable in my own body.
As I’m a very private person, no-one knows I’ve had the surgery – I simply feel it’s nobody else’s business but mine. It was a very personal decision for me to be brave enough to go through with it. I can say from my own experience that everything is very discreet at the clinic and the solution to my problem completely matched my high requirements and expectations”.
*This patient’ s name has been changed.
Attention! This is a healthcare service. Christinas Clinic is licensed by the Health Board, permit L04361 (CBF Medical OÜ). The operation is performed by dr Ants Viiklepp.